RARA-AVIS: Steve Marlowe

From: ejgorman99@aol.com
Date: 05 Mar 2007

 Ed Gorman's blog recently ran a short piece by Stephen Marlowe on his experiences collaborating with Richard S. Prather on DOUBLE IN TROUBLE. --Jim Doherty

Jim, this piece led to Steve agreeing to write his autobiography which Stark House plans to publish sometime next year. Steve's publishing history dates back to 1949 and Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures and continues on with sales to Manhunt and other crime magazine--plus selling to just about every pb house extant in the fifties and sixties. In the seventies and eighties, living abroad and traveling as usual, he wrote several international bestsellers in the thriller mode. Then in the nineties he wrote two massive mainstream novels that were widely embraced by the literary establishment. Peter Rabe, John D. MacDonald, Richard Prather and so on-- he knew them all. This should be one hell of a book.

Ed Gorman

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