Re: RARA-AVIS: can noir writers advocate social reform?

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 28 Nov 2006

Kerry J. Schooley wrote:

Approach perhaps, but name the others that deny transcendence, please.

*********** There is no transcendence in tragedy, none in Gothic, none in American Naturalism, and near as I can tell, the most popular school of writing in the last hundred years, realism.

And since literature examines the range and grasp of human experience, reason, and belief, all those things that you say transcendence goes beyond, I'd be hard-pressed to find the relevance of the actual existence of transcendence in literature. Even the American transcendentalists used their philosophy for the purposes of examining the range and grasp of human experience, so it appears to me that, by the definition you gave, even they didn't do much transcending.

It is the quest for transcendence that is significant in literature, not its existence.


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