Re: RARA-AVIS: can noir writers advocate social reform?

From: Kerry J. Schooley (
Date: 27 Nov 2006

At 04:47 PM 26/11/2006 -0800, you wrote:

>I think the question comes into play because a common
>theme in noir is the inevitable doom of the
>protagonist. If "social reform" is suggested as a
>solution, the doom is not so inevitable. The
>ambiguity is worth noting, and even noir writers can't
>seem to figure out what they are saying. Sallis, in
>his nonfiction book about three noir writers, declares
>the doom of the protagonist on one page and his hope
>for salvation through "social reform" on another. Let
>them eat cake. And have it, too.

Transcendence is impossible, but that does not make it any less appealing. That is another view of the central human dilemma.

But political reform does not necessarily bring about transcendence, any more than accepting the notion of the impossibility of transcendence negates the worthiness of political struggle. Status and wealth can and do change at the drop of a hat.

Best, Kerry

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