RE: RARA-AVIS: Frederick Ungar Recognitions series: Hamett, JDM, Ross Macd, etc.

Date: 11 Aug 2004

Hello all,

Apologies for re-posting if my original message got through, but if it didn't here's my two cents worth:

I've read Dooley's Hammett volume and really enjoyed it. It was both detailed and insightful about Hammett's work, his motivations, and his ideology (in a non-political sense), without being overly sentimental. I haven't come across copies of any of the others in the Recognitions series. I only found Dooley's book by sheer luck at an antiquarian book fair in Montreal a couple of years back.



Harry Lerner PhD Candidate Department of Anthropology McGill University Montreal, Quebec Canada

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:]On Behalf Of William Denton Sent: August 10, 2004 11:41 PM To: RARA-AVIS Subject: RARA-AVIS: Frederick Ungar Recognitions series: Hamett, JDM, Ross Macd, etc.

I picked up Dennis Dooley's DASHIELL HAMMETT (New York: Frederick Ungar, 1984) a couple of days ago. It looks good, and Mr. Duggan and Mr. Spurlock both recommended it in February 2002, according to the archives.

It's part of a series called Recognitions, it seems, with one Bruce Cassiday editing the mystery half (they also did SF). There's RAYMOND CHANDLER by Jerry Speir, JOHN D. MACDONALD by David Geherin, ROSS MACDONALD by Speir again, and SONS OF SAM SPADE: THE PRIVATE EYE NOVEL IN THE 70S, by Geherin. There are others on P.D. James, pre-Sherlockian detectives, and so on listed as well, and they did a few more after 1984. It looks like an interesting series. What are the Speir and Geherin books like?

I searched Google on ("frederick ungar" recognitions) and the first hit was from geek publisher Tim O'Reilly, who wrote FRANK HERBERT for the SF part of the series. He talks a bit about the publisher here:

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