RARA-AVIS: RE: Societal shifts

From: Dick Lochte ( dlochte@adelphia.net)
Date: 04 Aug 2004

>Doug Bassett wrote:

>Books can be good or bad, but relatively few books lose this kind of impact
because society marches on, I think. Less >>than most people think, anyway.

I'd like to think this is true, because society and science and technology are marching on at a pretty fast pace. I recently read an S.J. Rozan short story that couldn't have been more than four or five years old that dealt with the illegal sale of some powder --tiger tooth, I think -- that had an aphrodisiac affect. It was completely undercut by the arrival of Viagra. But it was still a nicely written piece.

Sue Grafton knew what she was doing when she decided to keep her books in the Eighties. I do have to keep reminding myself that they're not contemporary, but I don't miss the cell phones at all.

Dick Lochte

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