RARA-AVIS: Re: Block's Writer's Block

From: Kevin Burton Smith ( kvnsmith@thrillingdetective.com)
Date: 29 Apr 2004

Terrill wrote:

>You're thinking about Larry Block, not Mike Connelly. Mike very
>graciously signs any book people put in front of him. Larry is known to
>be a little bit more picky on tour. But he was kind enough to visit my
>store - twice - while it was open. I drunkenly took advantage of him
>and had him sign every book of his we had in stock - which were many.
>When we finally got down to the USED paperbacks, he looked up at me in
>amazement and said, "You actually want me to sign those?" Without
>missing a beat I replied, "Sure, Larry. For the kids."

I put Block in the angels category, too, no matter how cranky he may get. I interviewed him for JANUARY in LA -- very nervously -- over a year ago, while he was on the SMALL TOWN tour, and due to the vagaries of fortune and online publishing, the interview only -- finally -- showed up over a year later (or should, any day now). Yet when I contacted him recently to go over a few more questions, to update the piece, he buckled right down and never complained. The guy's obviously not against promoting himself -- he's against the
"collectors" who take advantage of his generosity. Which is fine with me. An unread book is like an art-fuck.

But I wish I hadn't been so star struck that I forgot to ask him to sign MY copy of SMALL TOWN.


Kevin Burton Smith Nothing on? Try The Thrilling Detective Web Site/CrimeSeen TV/Movie Poll http://www.thrillingdetective.com
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