Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: James Loftus (message from Jack O'Connell)

From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 15 Apr 2004

<<As far as hoaxes go, I don't think you'd get a lot of points for winding up us collector types. We're just too easy as targets - we really want to believe.>>

Indeed. The main purpose of certain rare books seems be to annoy those collectors that don't have them. This hoax was elaborate. Pasting Loftus's name on the cover of an Edison Bolonsky paperback is a nice touch. A collector eager to get his hands on an unknown Loftus isn't going to think of the cover art.

Years ago, I perpetrated a similar hoax on classical record collectors. I started praising the work virtually unknown pianist Igor Ardaevich Popov, several of whose concert performances at TraktorFest (circa 1936) had miraculously been preserved on fragile acetates. You would not believe how many inquiries (and even offers of cold cash) I got. I told them they needed to negotiate directly with Vladimir Ardaevich Popov, the brother of the long-dead pianistic genius...

Best, and are we infantile or what?


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