From: E.Borgers ( wbac12034@tiscali.be)
Date: 05 Apr 2004

>James Reasoner wrote:
>I thought of another very noir book with a Southwestern setting: ARIZONA
>KISS by Ray Ring.

I recommend ARIZONA KISS that I read rather recently, and second James Reasoner's opinion: very dark. Close to the James Cain universe by its characters and the unavoidable tragedy destroying their lives. It's hard-boiled in many of its episodes and developing a riveting story that bears some "watermarked" social criticism. A good part of the book develops an investigation about illegal deadly dog fights and their troubled audiences. A very good book, a traditional (without any negative meaning attached to
"traditional") noir novel with a modern and strong style of writing.

It's the only Ray Ring novel I read, but I definitely will go for more by this excellent author.

E.Borgers HARD-BOILED MYSTERIES http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6384

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