Re: RARA-AVIS: Chandler course

Date: 02 Mar 2004


Re your comments below:

> Your comment on the variation in the stories is
> enlightening. I didn't know they were different.
> I've got both the Library of America volume and the
> book that contains the Chandler essay and some
> stories. I'll read the Library of America volume
> since it was the designated text for the class, plus
> I'd rather read unrevised versions anyway.

There wasn't that much revision. I read both versions of the four stories in preparing the class. All Chandler did was change the names from "Carmady" or
"John Dalmas" to "Philip Marlowe" (or, in the case of
"Finger Man," in which the character hadn't yet been named, inserting the name "Philip Marlowe"), changing Marlowe's gun from a .32 in the pulp version of
"Finger Man" to a .38, and changing a character in
"Red Wind" named "Choate" to "Coates" (or was it
"Coates to "Choate?").

Chandler revised much more heavily when he combined and expanded his short stories to novel-length.

BTW, we're reading the first THREE novels, not just the first two.


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