Re: RARA-AVIS: Review of new Elmore Leonard book

From: Geir Glosvik (
Date: 30 Jan 2004

> Big Bounce was literature? It's been quite some time since I've read
> it, but literature? I can't think of a single Leonard book that is
> literature, but many are damn fine crime novels.

> Mark

This distinction you make between 'literature' and 'crime fiction' is quite interesting. As a Norwegian/European reader of most kinds of fiction - Scandinavian, British and continental - I don't see this distinction as being pertinent. Lots of European writers of Literature use the 'crime fiction' mode to express what they want to say in their novels. 'Literature' and 'crime fiction' blend. As I don't read very much American 'Literature', I can't say if this trend also applies to the authors of Literature in the US. But - like I said - the distinction you made, made me think. Any comments?


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