RARA-AVIS: Re: Dan Turner

From: Douglas Greene ( dgreene@odu.edu)
Date: 23 Jan 2004

Thanks for the info on ROSCOES IN THE NIGHT. I'll order a copy.

I have in my collection the following Dan Turner volumes:

Robert Leslie Bellem. God's Gift to the Sherlock Business, Two Adventures
   of Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective. No place: Air Pirates, 1981.
   1st edition, limited to 150 copies. Contains 2 stories from Spicy
   Detective, 1937 and 1940. The colophon explains that "this edition was
   produced on stolen paper and highjacked equipment."

_____. Robert Leslie Bellem's Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, ed. John
   Wooley. Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1983.
   1st edition in wrappers, probably published simultaneously with the
   clothbound issue. Contains stories from pulp magazines, 1938-1948.

_____. Spicy Detective Encores . . . No. 1, Three "Dan Turner" Stories.
   Framingham: Winds of the World Press, 1986.
      1st edition. Contains 3 stories from Spicy Detective, 1935-1941.

_____. Spicy Detective Encores . . . No. 5, Three More "Dan Turner"
   Stories. Framingham: Winds of the World Press, 1987.
      1st edition. Contains 3 stories from Spicy Detective, 1938-1941.

_____. Reckoning in Red, From the Case Files of Dan Turner, P.I., Volume
   1. Bloomington, IL: Black Dog Books, 2001.
   1st edition. Contains 4 stories from Spicy Detective, 1937-1942, one of
   which ("Star Chamber") was previously collected in God's Gift to the
   Sherlock Business.

_____. High Adventure Number 60, Dan Turner Hollywood Detective, ed. John
   Gunnison. [Silver Spring, MD:] Adventure House, 2001.
   1st edition. High Adventure is a periodical of pulp reprints. This is
   the only issue I know that contains stories by an individual author. It
   reprints the entire contents (7 stories) of Dan Turner Hollywood
   Detective, January 1943; none of the stories seems to have appeared in
   previous Dan Turner collections.

_____. Corpse on Ice, From the Case Files of Dan Turner, P.I., Volume 1I.
   Bloomington, IL: Black Dog Books, 2003.
   1st edition. Contains 4 stories from Spicy Detective and Hollywood
   Detective, 1935- 1943.


Douglas G. Greene Professor of History Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529-0091 Phone 757 683-3949

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