From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 07 Dec 2003

I'll buy Heartbreaker then, along with the book my mother wants so she can give it to my youngest sister. (I hate placing a book order with nothing fun in it for me.) I was going to get the follow-up book to Flinch, but the paperback won't be out for a month or two (it's in wish list). I read the description of Horse Latitudes and figure I mustn't have already read it because I wouldn't have picked up something that gory-sounding 15 years ago--thanks, guys!--but the reviews had "commercial" and other off-putting words.


Michael Robison wrote:
> I read something a couple years ago by him called
> HEARTBREAKER, and it had a damn good twist at the end
> that I didn't see coming at all. It was good. And if
> my memory serves me correctly, many, many moons ago I
> read something by him called HORSE LATITUDES. The
> only thing I remember about it is the explanation for
> the book title.

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