RARA-AVIS: Various authors

From: Michael Robison ( miker_zspider@yahoo.com)
Date: 20 Nov 2003

Just finished ASSIGNMENT PEKING by Aarons (sp?) and PETERS PENCE by Jon Cleary. The Cleary novel was not really bad, but it was more in the thriller category and not what I would call very hardboiled. I think it was an OK book but just not my type. The Aarons book had a halfway decent style to it. Like Bill Crider noted, he is great at describing the setting, and I enjoyed that part of it, but the plot seemed haphazard and sloppy. It felt like he started writing the book without knowing what was going to happen. That strategy might work for some books, but most hardboiled has got a well-woven plot and if it doesn't, it had better have something else commendable. Aarons's skill with the setting wasn't enough to make up for an unconvincing and ineffective story line.

I've kinda been in a slump for the last few books. The last really decent thing I read was Benedict's DOGS OF GOD, and I had already read it before. Whoops! Shouldn't say that. Thornburg's CUTTER AND BONE was great.

I'm tempted to give up experimenting for a while and go back to tried and true. Cormac McCarthy's SUTTREE, Gores's INTERFACES and COME MORNING, and Faulkner's LIGHT IN AUGUST have sat unread on the shelf for a long time. Others, too. I've read Raymond's HE DIED WITH HIS EYES OPEN, but I've got I WAS DORA SUAREZ waiting on me. Woodrell's GIVE US A KISS was great but TOMATO RED is tempting me. Same with Charles Williams's SCORPION REEF and Willeford's DIFFERENCE and WOMAN CHASER.

I started Nicolas Freeling's BUGLES BLOWING but I'm having a hard time deciding if it's a novel or a long essay on the French legal system. Just a few pages into THE LAST TANGO OF DELORES DELGADO. Not too bad but a poor job of capturing the essence of Delores before she danced her last tango. Even started I.A. Richards's abridgement of THE ILIAD. Is that hardboiled?


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