RARA-AVIS: Anderton & Stribling

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 11 Sep 2003

I am writing this without being able to pull snippets but want to get it off before I head to work.

Mr. T you are right T.S. Stribling is more of a mountain or "hills" writer. On his gravestone in Clifton, Tennessee is the great line: "Through this dust these hills once spoke." Much of his pulp fiction is interesting in a variety of ways. He pioneered the "Off-Trail" category for Adventure Magazine that so labeled much of his work for them. He had a quirky sense of humor. A well-traveled man for the time he once wrote a novel where he put a young go-getter of the Babbitt type into the middle of a South American revolution and the result I found humorous although it was published as a straight adventure.

Seven Anderton is turning into a very interesting character as witness the Argosy autobiography Todd migrated to our list. I've also learned that apparently before he was published as a writer Blue Book published a story entitled
"Seven Anderton" by Laban Reynolds. Reynolds says he had the story from Anderton but that's such an old plot device that who would have believed it. In December 1928 Anderton had his first Blue Book story. According to Richard Bleiler this may have been written from prison where Anderton was serving a sentence for an specified crime.

So for a guy I suspected was a house name old Seven had quite an adventurous life and was still publishing stories in the Lowndes magazines nearly three decades after that first story.

Richard Moore

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