Re: RARA-AVIS: The Woman Chaser / The High Priest Of California

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 05 Sep 2003

Alan wrote:
> Charles Willeford: Richard Hudson is the guy that Hemingway stole from me,
> for his book Islands in the Stream.
> DH: He did what?
> CW: Richard Hudson was his hero, I think, but that <book> came out
> DH: Oh, it was coincidental. Or he stole that from you?
> CW: Well, mine's first. What the hell, you know, I got a claim.
> DH: Yeah, but I still think he's Russell Haxby. I read those and he
> like the same guy to me.
> CW: No, he's not. He's different. Different.

*********** Haha. Sounds like Charles was having fun. I haven't read either of those two books, but I think Bill Crider said he was like Lou Ford. So the Willeford and Hemingway character are similar in name only. I liked ISLANDS IN THE STREAM a lot, but in it Hemingway's public image seeped into his writing. Hemingway's character was a macho artist whose only problems seemed to be a lost wife and a lost son (in WWII) and never enough daquiris. He put the hurts to a German U-boat crew down on some nameless isle in the Caribbean.


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