RARA-AVIS: RE: Goldfish

From: Dick Lochte ( dlochte@adelphia.net)
Date: 06 May 2003

I was surprised, though I shouldn't have been, by miker's mention of Chandler's "Goldfish" being a Carmady story. My first exposure to it was in "The Simple Art of Murder" where Chandler had transformed it (with only a couple name substitutions) into a Marlowe novella. As both miker and Ed Lynskey have suggested, it's a superior work. It's long been my favorite of the author's shorter pieces. So much so that when I was asked to contribute a short story to "Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe," a 100th birthday celebration of the author, fifteen years ago, I wrote a sequel to it. That story notwithstanding, it's not a bad collection with Crais, Paretsky, Estleman, Valin, Healy, Randisi and a bunch of others trying their hand at writing new Marlowe yarns.

There's also an excellent full cast audio drama adaptation of
"Raymond Chandler's Goldfish," on cassette, starring Harris Yulin as Marlowe. Produced by Radio Noir.

Dick Lochte

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