RARA-AVIS: Re: Vachss

From: Marianne Macdonald ( marianne.macdonald@lineone.net)
Date: 03 May 2003

After 50 pages of Blue Belle, I think I may wind up agreeing with all of this. I am enjoying it for the writing style, as Al suggests. Vachss is literate (old academic speaking here), _always_ a Good Thing IMNSHO. The characters are vigorously presented, and this seems to be a superior version of the kind of thing I was talking about when I mentioned the cartoonish nature of a lot of hb. Burke is Batman, isn't he. I like the modern Batman. (In fact, I enjoy good graphic novels for reasons which may or may not depend on the quality of the writing - anybody else here know CEREBUS?) The plot so far is fairy tale stuff; but perhaps I'm in the mood for it at the moment. Your warning against the later stuff is duly noted. :-p


On Saturday, May 3, 2003, at 03:00 AM, RARA-AVIS Digest wrote:

> Whether Vachss swings to
> the right or left (and only his intimates and tailor know that),
> whether his
> characters are no more than cartoons, whether he writes bad sex
> (there's one
> novel [BLUE BELLE?] where there's no sex at all because Burke is
> impotent -
> both brave and ironic, I thought, making the hard man soft), I
> believe that
> Vachss has written some of the cleanest prose around. Perhaps it has
> to be,
> given his subject matter.

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