RARA-AVIS: The Hardboiled Thirties

From: Bludis Jack ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 24 Apr 2003

I read Michael Robison's article again.

The truth is that Miker never implied that "all noir is hardboiled, but all hard boiled is not noir."

But his survery got me thinking, based on assimilation of the facts of the novels he mentioned.

Maybe all noir is *not* hardboiled any more than all hardboiled is noir.

There is nothing tough about *They Shoot Horses, Don't They" unless you consider the hard interior of some of the characters.

Hmmm. It's worth another read and further thinking.


===== http://JackBludis.com Hollywood Mysteries of the Early Fifties at Amazon.com and BN.com

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