RE: RARA-AVIS: Percentage girl acquitted of mopery: Mark the Unkn own

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 27 Mar 2003

Yes, Mark...mope the noun comes from mope the verb, to mope infinitively. WEBSTER'S has it coming from Dutch and Swedish and their forebears. You have to be gloomily loitering, though, to be truly moping about.

This reminds me of "moke," which my W goes on to suggest is Brit slang for a jackass of either common definition, and Ozian for a poor horse...but is also a word with long roots in the US. There was a JD (a very juvenile delinquent, he's 8) film called MOKEY in '42...though whether that's simply his nickname, I'm not sure. Meanwhile, in Hawaiian Pidgin, a moke is a tough, and usually young, guy.

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:]

Sorry, miker, I don't know know what a percentage girl is, but it reminded me of my own question about word derivation. Now I know what a
"mope" is, but where did the word come from? Does it come from "moping about," which would imply loitering? Anyone know?

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