RE: RARA-AVIS: James Crumley

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 18 Mar 2003

William Denton wrote:

I'm reading THE LAST GOOD KISS (1978) for 1970s month, and I like it a lot. I'm not sure which was the first Crumley book I tried, but it drove me away. Now I see why he's so admired, and I'll be reading more. What's the word on him? How come he hasn't written more books? What's he like?
********** Recently I was trying to pick up a copy of Leigh Brackett's NO GOOD FROM A CORPSE and was pointed to Dennis McMillan's publishing company by Kevin's thrillingdetective site. Although they were out of Brackett's book and the darn thing is now a collector's item, I believe they had a picture of Crumley sitting around the table with some other guys. So you can at least see what he looks like. Reminded me some- what of Willeford.


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