Re: RARA-AVIS: New Crider book & Norbert Davis back in print

From: James Reasoner (
Date: 14 Mar 2003

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rene Ribic" <> To: <> Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 9:13 AM Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: New Crider book & Norbert Davis back in print

> > Rene, I've worried a lot about that cover. My theory is
> > that mystery readers won't touch that book, and I've
> > actually read a review in which the reviewer said she'd
> > never let anyone see her with a copy of it. I'm just hoping
> > that all the romance readers will buy it. That would boost
> > my sales a ton. (The book is about a murder at at romance
> > writers' workshop, so don't worry. It may not be hardboiled,
> > but it's not a cozy, either.)
> >
> > Bill Crider
> > --
> One thing's for sure - the cover jumps out at you in the context it was
> displayed in (new crime/mystery releases). From that point of view it
> most definitely fulfils its function.
> I hope it goes well for you. At any rate, Abbey's Bookshop in Sydney
> have got at least half a dozen copies on the shelves. They must be
> expecting to sell a few.
> Rene

As I've already told Bill, this is the book that sold out in the Wal-Mart in Weatherford, Texas. Actually, the Wal-Marts in this area carry very few mysteries anymore except of the James Patterson type, so just getting on their shelves is quite an accomplishment.

James (not Patterson)

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