Re: RARA-AVIS: P.I. Clients

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 13 Mar 2003

> Chris Martin wrote:
> > Has the tradition of detectives having untrustworthy clients been
> discussed
> > round these parts?
> **********
> I remember somebody writing about a recent Robert Parker novel and
> noted the unconvincing plot of the criminal hiring the detective.
> First time I saw that sort of action was Chandler's THE LONG GOODBYE.
> miker

Unfortunately that has become, IMO, the mother of all p.i. cliches. Whenever I come across it now, even in older p.i. novels, it makes me groan out loud. Rule no 1 for killers, femme fatales, etc - do not hire a private dick as part of your Machiavellian scheme - no matter what kind of a schlep he/she might be, the dick will crack the case & you will be caught. Just take the money & head for Mexico. Go south, young felon, go south.


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