RARA-AVIS: Belatedly....

From: Bill Bowers ( BBowers@one.net)
Date: 13 Mar 2003

...back on Sat, 8 Mar 2003 10:34:11 EST, Richard Moore wrote:

> [Fred] Chappell is a North Carolina writer admired for his highly
> praised but poor selling mainstream fiction. In addition to novels, he
> has published many short stories in the literary magazines. He also turns
> a nice fantasy or horror story and now and then turns up in publications
> like the revived Weird Tales. I think he started out as a poet.

...and as one of those damnable science fiction fans, who keep surfacing everywhere:

 From a fanzine review column by Jerry Burge in Cosmag [Volume 3 Number 2 - September 1952 Edited by Ian T. Macauley] which covers a fanzine edited by Some Kid:

>SPACESHIP: #17, Bob Silverberg, editor, 760 Montgomery St., Brooklyn 13,
>N. Y. 10¢, 3 for 25¢. Quarterly. 40pp.
>This is the third anniversary issue, and a very good one it is, too. And a
>big one: forty pages of excellent material -- I mean excellent; there's
>not a bad piece in the mag. Sam Moskowitz leads the issue with his book
>preview of Dr. Keller's "The Ivory Tower," a four page review. WAW is
>present -- hilariously so -- with some observations anent the pro-ed's
>sudden display of affection for one another. Redd Boggs writes of a "Man
>WHO Might Have Been" a great weird writer had he lived. The stories, by
>Morton Paley, Fred Chappell and Paul Stephens are all worth reading. The
>regular features, particularly Roger Dard's "Report from Australia" and
>the ed's "Backtalk" seemed to be better, somehow, this issue.

[ http://fanac.org/fanzines/Cosmag/Cosmag_0302-29.html ]

...although, now that I look him up, he might not have been all that active!

Bill Bowers

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