Re: RARA-AVIS: William Hoffman's WILD THORN

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 08 Mar 2003

Joy wrote:
> Thanks for letting me know there's a #3. The first is among the best books
> I've ever read, certainly hardboiled, and in an unusual setting. I was
> probably the one who nominated him for the list. I didn't like the second
> book as well, but little could measure up to that first one.

********** Huh? "...among the best books I've ever read." Is that what you say? I've looked back through the thread and I can't find the title for that book, Joy. A search of Amazon brings up a bunch of stuff, including how to do your taxes and one on programming Visual Basic.Net. What is the name of the one you allude to?

Thanks, miker

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