RARA-AVIS: Re: bars.

From: Marianne Macdonald ( marianne.macdonald@lineone.net)
Date: 08 Mar 2003

I know very little about pubs, of course.

Public bar - cheapest drinks, frequented by hard-boiled male working class beer drinkers; if there was only one room in a pub, this was probably it. Women weren't usually actually excluded, but it wasn't the nice place to go.

Lounge bar - more expensive, more middle class. Drinks a few pennies more expensive, furniture a few pennies nicer. Where the ladies went with their escorts.

Snug - small room, a couple of tables, no bar in this room unlike the others.

This is all slightly old-fashioned. Bloody women go anywhere these days, even without male companions what is the world coming to?


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