RE: RARA-AVIS: Gangster novels: Robison

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 06 Mar 2003

Is "Enter Scarface" an excerpt from the novel? I don't have my copy at hand to check. TM

-----Original Message----- From: Robison Michael R CNIN [mailto:] last night I picked up Maxim's MAMMOTH BOOK OF PULP FICTION and I looked through it for pre- 1940s stuff and I found Trail's story "Enter Scarface" and read it. I didn't know he had a SCARFACE novel out. The short reminded me a lot of Hemingway's two hardboiled stories, "Fifty Grand" and "The Killers." Although the story was very short, Trail seemed like a fairly good author. The story also reminded me of Crane's MAGGIE.

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