RE: RARA-AVIS: Ambrose Bierce

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 27 Feb 2003

Todd Mason wrote:

You'll have to break your short stories rule, Mike...but I suspect you'll be rewarded. "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" is surely his most famous short story. The satirical THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY his most famous book. TM
*********** That sounds fine with me, Todd. In about a month or so I'm going to start going through a bunch of Twenties and Thirties Black Mask stories. I've had Nolan's BLACK MASK BOYS for a while but haven't gotten to it yet, I just ordered Ruhm's HARDBOILED DETECTIVES, and I've got my eye on Shaw's classic HARDBOILED OMNIBUS.

And I'm going to try and find the time to stop by the library soon and see if I can find the Bierce story about Owl Creek.

Thanks, miker

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