Re: RARA-AVIS: French stuff- Navarro (was RE: John Le Carre TTSSS - DVD's in NTSC...finally...)

From: Etienne Borgers (
Date: 13 Dec 2002

Duane: I was the first one to be surprised, reading that you are now installed in Chiracland! But apparently, Kentucky holds you firmly...

Cinefrog referred to the "Navarro" series. This one is on since approx. 8 years, I think, and ended just recently, this season . It's the life of a French commissaire -Navarro- and his collaborators in a Paris precinct. Solid scipts allied to above average (for TV serials) French actors made of this series a real success. Close to noir, and with some human resonance, I must admit it's one of the best "feuilleton policier" that French TV ever produced for a general audience, and it became very popular. Each episode, having a full 1h30 format, is a self-contained story and plot, but with recurrent police personnel characters(and some of the secondary characters). Scripts were initiated by Tito Topin (very gifted HB/noir writer- a first class storyteller)and later he was helped by some of the good new French writers of the field. The series stopped mainly because Roger Hanin, the actor playing the central character (Navarro), did not want to continue due to his own age
(becoming too old). The adequation between Navarro and Hanin was so good that I understand fully why the producers do not want to continue the series with other actor(s). It's another "policier" series (sorry I forgot its name...)that will fill the gap, but the pilot of this new one was not fully convincing; so, wait and see.

On the other hand I doubt you ever will have it on TV5-satellite as Navarro was programmed by the commercial channel TF1, and TV5 only relays shows from FR2 and FR3 ( French public TV).

E.borgers Hard-boiled Mysteries

At 10:03 13-12-02 -0500, you wrote:
>Cinefrog <> wrote:
> One French police series (two years old I think) that many praised in
>hasn't made it to TV5 yet though...maybe you've seen it in UK???...or maybe
>Duane Spurlock also in RARA knows which one, since he lives in France??...
>These sound interesting, so please let us know more. True, I like French
>crime novels and cinema. Yet I live in Kentucky. Maybe you're thinking of
>- Duane

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