RARA-AVIS: RE: Alfred Hitchcock Collections

From: Duane Spurlock ( duane@emazing.com)
Date: 18 Nov 2002

"T.Kent Morgan" < tkmorgan@shaw.ca> wrote:

<< Last night I came across about 30 Dell paperbacks (original cover price .75) of the Alfred Hitchcock short story collections. They appeared to have been read once and placed on a shelf until they were donated to a thrift store. I didn't recognize most of the titles and was wondering if any of the collections contained any gems or any authors I should particualrly look for. I can buy them for .50 each, but don't imagine they will be around very long. Can anyone help?

I've always found some treasures in those old anthologies. Kersh stories, Ray Bradbury, even a John WYndham novella ("The Kraken Wakes") among the sorts of stories you might not expect to find in a Hitchcock anthology. Because those early collections pulled stories from all sorts of magazines, not just AHMM.

- Duane

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