Re: RARA-AVIS: Seriously about Don Pendleton now

From: Ray Skirsky (
Date: 17 Nov 2002

At 07:10 AM 11/17/2002 -0800, Doug wrote:
>I never liked Pendleton's stuff. I've read a few of
>the early Executioners (the debut, the Caribbean one,
>the Philly one) and they all take themselves far too
>seriously. The notion of a one-man war against the
>Mafia is inherently pretty cheesy, but there's a lot
>of ponderous "What it all means" passages in these

I bought the first 140 books in an eBay lot. I read the first 54 in about three weeks, then couldn't take anymore. But I did like #s 1-3, 7-9, and 12.

Overall, though, the Pendleton-written books are far superior to the ghost-written books. And these books did provide an important legal case in defining work-for-hire.


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