Re: RARA-AVIS: 1940's recommendations ?

Date: 05 Nov 2002

Miker asked about Deadlier Than the Male, Gunn 1942. I have some questions about that one, myself. I figure that James Gunn, the author, just about has to be the same James Gunn who wrote a lot of SF novels (I first encountered him in the SF magazines long, long ago) and who's also well-known in academic circles. His series of anthologies that spans the history of SF is a great starting point for any collection. But after reading Deadlier than the Male, I looked at his official bibliography, and it's not there. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe it's not the same guy. The story I heard somewhere or other was that Gunn wrote the book while he was a college student. It was later made into a movie under a different title. Does anybody know the straight story behind all this?

Bill Crider

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