RARA-AVIS: Vin Diesel: Taboada

From: Todd Mason ( Todd.Mason@tvguide.com)
Date: 13 Aug 2002

He's a pseudonym for Mark Vincent, but is a bulky guy who can act, as one can see in the current TRIPLE X or XXX, wherein he plays a Mountain Dew-swigging younger Bond, or in the nearly hb sf of PITCH BLACK or noirish financial chicanery flick BOILER ROOM.

When have we not been in financial disaster, except for our wealthier folk, in the last several decades at very least, btw?


-----Original Message----- From: Mario Taboada [mailto: matrxtech@yahoo.com]

<<It's stodgy old man Clint versus big, bold Vin Diesel.>>

Dick, I'm out of touch so be lenient. Is there really a Vin Diesel? It sounds like a pseudonym for a Gold Medalist, author of _The Kandy-Kolored Strip Tweezers_ or something like that.

Have you noticed that Gold Medal month has put everyone in a good mood despite the economic disaster we're living?

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