Re: RARA-AVIS: High Sierra

Date: 06 Aug 2002


Re your question below:

> Other than Little Caesar, Asphalt Jungle and Goodbye
> Chicago, what other
> novels has he written?

In keeping with the month's theme, it should be pointed out that Burnett wrote at least two Gold Medals. The first, under his own name, was a western entitled STRETCH DAWSON, which I believe was filmed as YELLOW SKY (or maybe the book was a novelization of YELLOW SKY; this isn't clear from what I've been able to find out).

The second, BIG STAN, under the pseudonym of "John Monohan," was a gritty urban cop novel, and might be described as the fourth novel in his "City Trilogy."

"The City Trilogy" of which ASPHALT JUNGLE is the first entry, follwed by LITTLE MEN - BIG WORLD and VANITY ROW, were all set in the same unnamed Midwestern metroplis. Some say the city was a fcitionalized Chicago. Kathy Harper thought it was either Toledo or Youngstown (Burnett's home state was Ohio). In any case, BIG STAN seems to be set in the same city. Exactly why it was published as a PBO under a pen name, instead of a hardback as the official fourth entry in what would then be A "City Tetralogy" is unknown.

I may have more to say about BIG STAN later.


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