Re: RARA-AVIS: Themes of the Months

From: Joy Matkowski (
Date: 05 Aug 2002

Thanks, Mark, for saving me 200 pages or so of reading that I can spend on trying Bruen. And we're in the right place to get encouragement or cautions about the other Cook books.

Joy, who intended no pun

Mark said:
> Joy, as much of a fan as I am of later Derek Raymond/Robin Cook, I was
> not thrilled by Crust on Its Uppers, either. It felt to me like Cook
> couldn't decide whether he was writing a Catcher in the Rye story of
> youth and class alienation or a Ted Lewis style crime novel (yes, I know
> this book pre-dates any of Lewis's books); I'm not saying that couldn't
> be very well done, but here it seemed like two different books grafted
> together. And it has led me to hesitate to read the other Robin Cook
> books I've managed to find (Legacy of the Stiff Upper Lip, State of
> Denmark, Private Parts anf Public Places).
> However, I do recommend everything he wrote after his hiatus, when he
> came back as Derek Raymond -- the 5 Factory novels, Not Until the Red
> Fog Rises and Hidden Files, Raymond's thoughts on the "black novel."

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