Re: RARA-AVIS: Chandler and THH style differences ?

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 31 Jul 2002

a snip from what Brian wrote:
> You are more right than you know. _The Sun Also Rises_
> is also first person, and not third person non-
> omniscient. Marlowe and Jake Barnes do in fact have a
> lot in common.

******************** Excellent comparison between Marlowe and Jake. I had never really considered that Jake has given up in the end. Its an interesting idea that looks pretty valid when you look over the events in the book. Like you, Truman Capote thought that Hemingway would be remembered more for his short stories than his novels. I think that the short story was more conducive to his theme than the novel. His theme, played over and over in almost all his works, was the pursuit of heroism. A short story could get in and out quickly, and effectively develop the theme, but the longer novel form demanded resolution, which I think sometimes went beyond the message. Does that make any sense or am I talking out my butt? ;-)



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