Re: RARA-AVIS: drugs, sex and other stuff & other stuff

From: Jim Beaver (
Date: 07 Jun 2002

Mark wrote:
> Someone else can probably explain this much better, but as I recall my
> brother's explanation, drilled into him by drill sergeants (who would
> make those who screwed up hold their rifle over their head in one hand,
> hold their cock with the other and chant this is my rifle and this is my
> gun, one is for killing, one is for fun), a gun is a stationary weapon,
> usually requiring more than one person to fire it (machine guns on
> tripods or guns on the deck of a ship, for instance; there are probably
> certain caliber requirements, too), while rifles are rifles and pistols
> are sidearms. Can anyone with more knowledge tell me if I'm even close
> to remembering correctly? (And as they always note at the beginning of
> books, any mistakes are mine, not my brother's.)

That's pretty much the way I remember it from my bootcamp days.

Jim Beaver

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