RARA-AVIS: 1st & 3rd

From: Jim Beaver ( jumblejim@prodigy.net)
Date: 23 May 2002

Speaking of stories told from multiple points of view and from varying
"persons" (grammar-wise), I'd like to ask a question that I think I asked once before, several years ago, just because there are new members in the group. It's really a multi-part question:

What are some P.I. novels written in third person, and what do list-members think of third-person P.I. novels? Is first person a tradition that should not be lightly broken? Does it provide something to the P.I. novel that is vital to success? And what methods are available to the first-person P.I. writer for describing scenes that his protagonist is not present for (or are such scenes anathema to the first-person story)?

Not surprisingly, I'm in the middle of a third-person P.I. novel.

Jim Beaver

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