Re: RARA-AVIS: Dallas Police by Terry Marlowe

Date: 18 May 2002


Re your question below:

> Anyone know anything about this book? Or the
> author? I ran across an ABE
> listing for it, but it's from a German book store,
> so I'd like a sense of
> whether it's worth the extra time and cost.

I've never heard of this book. However, "Terry Marlow" is the joint pseudonymn of two Dallas police officers (one of whom is named Richard Abshire, the other whose name escapes me at the moment). The only book by them under this name I've seen is TARGET BLUE, which is about the Dallas Police. It's possible that DALLAS POLICE is the foreign title of TARGET BLUE.

Under their own names they wrote a police procedural/occult horror novel called GANTS about a cop whose haunted by a ghost, and one sequel the title of which also escapes me. On his own, Abshire's written a series of Dallas-set PI novels.


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