RE: RARA-AVIS: Hamiltons (was Jan Guillou)

From: Anders Engwall (ERA) (
Date: 17 May 2002

Jeremy Duns:

> Anders, thanks for the heads up. I started reading
> Enemy's Enemy, and it did seem like it might be
> "boring, bland bestseller-type prose", which is a pity
> - it was quite hard to track down.

To elaborate a bit, Guillou really can't write about people, and IIRC there was also far too many technical descriptions of various weaponry. In fact I recall Guillou being accused of being something of a gun fetischist, something that pissed him off no end.

However, he *is* very good at drawing plausible political scenarios. In fact, I suspect that may even have been the main purpose of the series.

As for Hamiltons, I'd like to take the opportunity to confuse matters further by mentioning that there is a real-life Carl Hamilton who happens to be a columnist at the same newspaper as Guillou:

(Swedish only)

And it does not stop there, we also have a liberal MP called Carl B. Hamilton!

But I guess that's enough offtopicality for now.

/ Anders

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