RE: RARA-AVIS: Movies Better Than Books

From: Anders Engwall (ERA) (
Date: 17 May 2002

BULLITT is certainly better than MUTE WITNESS by Robert Pike. I found Pike's novel to be a bit like a 87th Precinct novel if Ed McBain hadn't been any good.

Also, Robert Aldrich's KISS ME DEADLY is far superior to Spillane's very boring novel.

I also find Henri-Georges Clouzot's LES DIABOLIQUES to be better than the Boileau&Narcejac novel. Not that it's a bad book, but the movie *is* one of the absolute greats. This certainly does not hold for the recent remake, though.

Btw, the remake of THE DESPERATE HOURS must be one of the very worst adaptions of a good novel in the history of moving pictures.

/ Anders

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