Re: RARA-AVIS: ira levin

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 16 May 2002

Carrie replied to the question: > >Anything else of his similarly noir?

> well, i haven't read levin but i've seen the films of "rosemary's
> "the stepford wives," and "the boys from brazil" (or as Homer Simpson
put it
> - "it's just like that movie - about those boys - who were from
brazil -
> what was the name of that movie??"). If these are at all faithful to
> books, they're closer to sci-fi/horror in terms of genre, but
> noir in feel.
> carrie

I've read THE STEPFORD WIVES & it was very close to the telemovie, IIRC
(& a minor classic in it's own right, IMO). I agree with Carrie: Feminist SF/gothic crossover with a noir feel. I think all his books have that noir feel at least the ones that Carrie mentioned. The others I'm only familiar with through film versions - in fact I think just about all his books were made into famous films.


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