RARA-AVIS: Re: Semyonov

From: Jeremy Duns ( jeremyduns@yahoo.com)
Date: 14 May 2002

--- JIM DOHERTY < jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The only Semyonov book I've read is PETROVKA 38, a
> Moscow-set police procedural. Petrovka 38 is, I
> believe, the street address of Moscow's police HQ.
> Referring to "Petrovka 38" is apparently sort of
> like
> saying "Scotland Yard" in London, "Quai d'Ourfevres"
> in Paris, or "1 Police Plaza" in NYC.

I understood that, too. What did you make of the book? I have it in hardback on the shelf, but haven't got to it yet.

> By the way, welcome to the list, Jeremy. I think
> you'll like it here.

Thanks, Jim. Jeremy

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