Re: RARA-AVIS: James McKimmey

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 06 May 2002

Rene wrote:
> I haven't yet read McKimmey but I was aware that J D MacDonald had a
> high opinion of him (his comments seem to be on most of the pb's of
> McKimmey's I've seen) & so I'd think he must have been pretty damned
> good & yet he seems almost forgotten now. Which of his books would you
> recommend?

Thanks for the McGinnis link. Should be handy. I have a talented painter friend who has agreed to do an oil copy of a McGinnis for me. As for McKimmey, let me quote Bill Crider from _The Big Book of Noir_: "You can hardly go wrong by picking up any of his books, but try not to miss _Squeeze Play_ and _The Long Ride_." I would add _Cornered_ to Bill's suggestions.

Al Guthrie

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