Re: RARA-AVIS: Hitman characters

From: Peedie Monk (
Date: 03 May 2002

Craig Larson asked about hitman protagonists: _Slaughter Music_ by Russell James is one of my favourites. Well worth searching for (it's sadly out of print in the UK). A young would-be hitman, Hawk (heard that name before!), is out to impress his boss. He decides, as his boss's wedding present, to kill Darren, a rival gangland boss. Here's a sample:

SPOILER (only a slight one, the action takes place on P31)
"'This is it,' Hawk says. 'It won't hurt.'...
'Oh, Christ,' gasps Darren. 'Don't shoot.'... Hawk puts a single shell through Darren's chest. Even as the bullet hits him, Darren's mouth falls open to yell for help. When he jolts sideways against the quivering girl he gives a single hollow groan... Hawk says, 'You see, it didn't hurt.'"

Al Guthrie

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