RE: RARA-AVIS: Loose threads

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 30 Apr 2002

sally says: Miker, not so sludgy. That must be "Prufrock," as in Eliot's "The Love Song of Alfred J. ..." and Archie and Mehitabel (that was Eliot, wasn't it?), the cat and the typing cockroach.


thanks, sally! i have no idea where i got prudhomme from.

the complete thought that was rattling around in my head finally popped out. i kept thinking that the poet kurtz was reading had written something directly related to one of the books he had on his table... weston's _from ritual to romance_. when you mentioned eliot and "the hollow man", i had half of it, but now i remember: it was eliot's "wasteland" that was based on weston's book, wasn't it?

thanks, miker

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