RE: RARA-AVIS: when a cigar is not a cigar award: Mark Anon

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 26 Apr 2002

Well, since "the finger" is an invitation to Sit On [That]; to basically attempt to copulate with one's self, much like the charming locution
"[Copulate] You!" is (see such related instructions as "!Chinguate!"), it's less a stretch than you think.

And, clearly, you guys never hung with the Rat Pack, and I doubt you're too upset. Really, no one else has heard Sinatra's atrocious cover of Simon & Garfunkel's "Mrs. Robinson" featuring his typical improvisation, "How's your bird, Mrs. Robinson..."? TM

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto:]

George wrote:

"I have never in my life encountered such a usage of the word "bird." Perhaps there is an example out there, but it sure as heck ain't in
"common use.""

I've been wondering about this myself. After a lot of thought, the only example I could come up with was in the context of "flipping the bird," for giving someone the finger, which I guess is phallic, but even that's a stretch.

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