RE: RARA-AVIS: Nominations -- The word "Hard-boiled"

From: Robison Michael R CNIN (
Date: 21 Mar 2002

jack bludis said: The nominations are filling out a reading list for me to pick up on some characters--and writers--I've missed.

*********************************************** thats my favorite thing about the list. its opened my eyes to a lot more books and authors than i would have ever discovered on my own. before the list, my standard operation for choosing a book was just to wander the aisles of a big bookstore and look. thats ok as far as it goes, but what about authors like charles williams, who's out of print, or willeford, who is not exactly mainstream?

before the list, i generally kept about 5 books on the shelf that i intended to read. when it got down to a couple, i went looking for more. now i've got about 40 books (thanks to terrill and his mysteries, movies, and mayhem store) sitting on my shelf, and a list of about 20 or 30 more.


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