RARA-AVIS: more fuel for the fire

From: BaxDeal@aol.com
Date: 20 Mar 2002

Artie Wu and Quincy Durant - 3 books by Ross Thomas

Lloyd Hopkins - 3 books by James Ellroy

Joe Pike - Elvis Cole's taciturn back up

Thorn - James W Hall's Thoreau-like series character

Nina Zero - 2 books thus far by Robert Eversz

my guess is that while we'll easily come up with over 100 characters. however, the bottom half may get a bit esoteric. of course, this is an esoteric list. I would suggest that at the end of the nominations, we each vote for an even dozen. that should allow us to shoo in the obvious favorites, and still allow room for a few more personal choices.

John Lau

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