From: a.n.smith (
Date: 23 Feb 2002

> Speaking of Ellroy's style, did anyone else have a hard time with the
> Winchell/telegraph style of the The Cold Six Thousand? I gave up after
> 20 pages, it annoyed me so much.

I was happily surprised that CST was pretty smooth stylewise. It didn't annoy me, but I'm one who loved White Jazz and American Tabloid. The alliteration of the GQ stories (the Hush-Hush editor narration) irked me, and I was afraid he was going to apply that to a longer work.

I've come to feel that Ellroy's style is distinct in that I've never seen imitators get anywhere close to his voice and attitude. The imitations are usually infused with their authors' own quirks, so I don't think of Ellroy's style as a party trick. It comes from a real place inside him, it seems
(worked for My Dark Places), and no one else is really doing it anyway.

I've been most influenced by Ellroy, Pelecanos, James M. Cain and Charles Willeford. All are highly different writers, all highly stylized.

I'll say it like this--I'm glad to see h-b/noir writers who try something unusual and stick their necks out.

Neil Smith

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