Re: RARA-AVIS: Destroyer (and a little Vachss)

From: George Upper (
Date: 18 Feb 2002

--- Mark Sullivan <> wrote:
> I was going to say the Destroyer novels are a hell
> of a lot shorter, but
> you cover that:
> "I'm sure I'll read more Vachss, but if they
> continue to be as long and
> drawn out as FLOOD, I'm going to wish he'd let me
> edit them."
> Someone should. I find the bloat of the Burke books
> particularly
> surprising given how terse his style is in all of
> his other writings
> I've read, short stories, comics and the great
> standalone novel Shella.
> Makr

Ah, Mark. Great minds, and all that. We're obviously on the same wavelength, the only possible exception being that I know how to spell your name.


===== George C. Upper III, Editor The Lightning Bell Poetry Journal

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